Service Description
Acupuncture can aid in your path of healing with acute and chronic injuries. The needles are very small; as thick as a strand of hair. Just a simple prick to the skin. Acupressure is also an option for patients who dislike needles. Acupuncture focuses on balancing the ‘chi’ within the body. With injury or illness, the meridians or channels can become blocked causing pain. Acupuncture helps to unblock those channels to help alleviate symptoms. Some examples of what acupuncture is used for on a daily basis; acute and chronic injuries: - back pain and aches - whiplash - sprained ankles - carpal tunnel - plantar fasciitis or general foot pain - headaches/migraines - pain with twisting or turning over *I am not a licensed acupuncturist, I am a registered massage therapist who practices acupuncture. What this means is I CANNOT treat any health-related conditions such as kidney stones, liver pain, stomach ailments, fertility etc. Acupuncture Treatment with TDP Lamp - $40 TDP lamps generate energy and heat a ceramic disc that is coated with 33 different minerals that are easily absorbed by the body. As a result, the therapeutic heat affects deep layers of muscle/tissue aiding in the healing. *not at all painful* Acupuncture Add On - $10 Incorporating acupuncture in a single area with massage
Cancellation Policy
When booking, we request a deposit to confirm and hold your appointment time. The deposit is then deducted from the total cost of your appointment. This deposit is non-refundable. If you have paid for your service in full, and need to cancel your appointment, you will be refunded the service total minus the deposit. If your appointment is cancelled or rescheduled you may carry this deposit over to your next session. Please contact MBS Mobile Massage at 416-854-2545 or to reschedule your appointment.
Contact Details
Ontario, Canada